William L. Lathrop

William L. Lathrop

Video subject:  William L. Lathrop, his family, friends, and boat
Videographer:  unknown, but possibly W. W. Chambers
Video date:  1929 – 1930
Filming location:  Phillips Mill and the Delaware Canal
Video length:  4.8 minutes

Summary:  This short, soundless movie captures Lathrop’s family and friends on probably 3 different occasions: a party or special occasion in the winter of 1929/1930; a party organized to celebrate and launch the boat into the canal by the Phillips Mill camelback bridge in the summer of 1930; and finally a few short shots of friends, sheep, and their children. In addition to witnessing the players and the launching, there are glimpses of Morgan Colt’s home, Phillips Mill (note there are few trees and vegetation as compared to 2017), and the automobiles and fashion of the day.



Time markers:
00:00 – Lathrop and others exiting the family’s front door and mugging for the camera
01:07 – children climbing on the uncompleted boat
01:39 – street scenes and automobiles around Phillips Mill
01:55 – camelback bridge and canal; family members
02:39 – Rolf Bauhan, William, and friends prepare to launch the boat
02:45 – Anne Lathrop, wife of William, on the left of screen in a white dress
02:53 – Julian Lathrop, son of William and one of the founders of the Solebury School , with back to camera
02:59 – launch of the Widge with all hands pushing
03:47 – Lathrop canoeing to the boat and in the stern
03:57 – Bauhan boys, William’s grandsons, at their home in Princeton, near Albert Einstein’s home; Bauhan family’s sheep
04:29 – distinguished gentleman, possibly Rolf Bauhan

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