Ned Harrington – MAM

Ned Harrington – MAM

Interviewee:  Ned Harrington
Date of birth:  April 12, 1920/58
Interviewer:  unknown
Interview date:  July 28, 1978
Interview location:  Harrington residence, Carversville, PA
Interview length:  30 minutes
Time span discussed:  1947 to 1978

Summary:  Edwin “Ned” Harrington was a prominent Solebury and Carversville resident who contributed countless volunteer hours to many local associations. This interview bring to the fore his poetry which he wrote and published in his earlier years. This material fills in information different from the other Harrington interviews on the STHS site. Although Ned is not listed in Michener’s artist index, this is a good interview of an honored citizen.


Time markers:
00:00 – moving to Carversville in 1947, starting his business, remodeling his home, selling his business
04:02 – wrote poetry over time, self-published one book; son editing and Alston Waring advised
06:00 – in 1977 phased out of business as industrial waste specialist, got back to writing
07:10 – runs the Paunacussing Watershed Association, turned over the Mid-Atlantic Associate Council of Watershed Association chair after 3 years
09:15 – reads several of his poems: Unfinished Journey, Hold it, Heaven Is Paved with Streets of Gold, and others
13:34 – describes a cartoon that illustrates the way he likes to poke fun at human vanity
14:16 – another poem reading; discusses talking back during readings and sermons
15:50 – tells how one, casual incident sparks an idea and poem; continues reading humorous poems
17:56 – some incident or strange thought inspires his light verse, puts in a dash of sarcasm; various poets’ styles and abilities
21:25 – friends and relatives send poems that have forced rhymes and poor meter understanding,  discussion of same in church hymns; reads 4 Square and other church-hymn inspired poems
23:45 – taught comparative religion, classes visited other religious groups; trip to Israel
25:50 – background in writing and editing from school days; horticultural writing, promotional materials for his business, New Hope Gazette column, magazine articles
29:30 – research and writing on the American Revolution, John Lacy

Ned Harrington interview 1.
Ned Harrington interview 2.
Ned Harrington video.

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