Laurent and Dorothy Redfield

Laurent and Dorothy Redfield

Interviewee:  Dorothy Hayman Redfield (sometimes interpreting for her husband Laurent)
Date of birth/age at interview:  Dorothy:  August 27, 1901/85; Laurent:  December 12, 1899/86
Interviewer:  Rita Durrant
Interview date:  April 2, 1987
Interview location:  Redfield home in Doylestown
Interview length:  1 hour, 7 minutes
Time span discussed:  1900 to 1985

Summary:  Laurent was Edward W. Redfield’s first son. Unfortunately he had suffered a stroke so the interviewee is primarily his wife of 62 years, Dorothy. She speaks of their life together, her husband’s years with his famous father Edward and his mother Elise, and gives reflections about life in Centre Bridge, PA.


Time markers:
00:00:32 – Laurent born in France; Dorothy calls his parents Pop and Mother Redfield
00:01:53 – parents met in France, returned after death of first daughter
00:01:44 – Mother Redfield was French,born Elise Delegant
00:02:25 – story of the naming of Laurent
00:03:44 – Laurent to US when five years old; five children who lived
00:05:00 – sons’ adventures with father
00:06:15 – home in Centre Bridge between canal and river; floods into house
00:07:41 – Dr. Bell
00:08:20 – interviewer talks, sometimes indistinct
00:10:33 – Laurent grew up across from Centre Bridge one-room schoolhouse; attended school there, finished at Solebury Elementary
00:13:48 – sledding down York Road into Centre Bridge
00:14:41 – Dorothy and Laurent meet; Laurent delivered cars
00:18:41 – Edward’s first car, story about an early trip
00:20:20 – interviewer talks
00:26:26 – Dorothy talks about her life with Laurent; his personality
00:28:40 – Laurent’s business, loved motors
00:29:02 – Dorothy and Laurent never had an argument
00:30:00 – she worked for her doctor father, private hospital
00:31:29 – one daughter; Edward only painter in family; grandson set designer
00:32:38 – Laurent did remodel of their barn home
00:36:05 – interviewer talks about Edward’s work
00:40:50 – Edward’s’s paintings (part indistinct)
00:43:14 – how and why Edward and Elise moved from Glenside to Centre Bridge (some indistinct)
00:45:00 – Charles Wheeler’s book about Edward that he gave to prospective clients
00:47:00 – Edward’s early talent and schooling
00:48:01 – family sustained by Edward’s painting farm; Elise frugal; both wonderful gardeners
00:49:31 – bridge fire painting, only one not done on spot
00:50:46 – Edward’s skills in many areas including woodworking and crafts
00:51:47 – Edward versed in every angle of life (part indistinct)
00:52:59 – used gloves without fingers; painted in difficult weather conditions
00:54:06 – story about Edward’s children and visitors to Edward’s studio
00:55:12 – Elise’s activities, she lived for Edward
00:56:06 – Edward got many awards; his interest in his children; realistic, down to earth person, but had sixth sense
00:58:19 – interviewer talks
01:00:40 – Edward friend of Daniel Garber; William Lathrop more social; Edward liked to eat with guests; some works of other artists
01:04:51 – interviewer talks about Redfield paintings in the apartment

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