James Magill – 3

James Magill – 3

Interviewee:  James Magill
Date of birth/age at interview:  July 4, 1912/84
Interviewers:  Albright Zimmerman, Lance Metz
Interview date:  October 24, 1996
Location:  Magill home in New Hope, PA
Interview length:  approximately 40 minutes
Time span discussed:  1920 to 1980

Summary:  James Magill, New Hope Mayor for 20 years, recalls canal personalities and childhood activities in the canal, swimming, fishing, ice skating, and being towed by the canal boats and mules. He notes Hal Clarke’s leadership as President of the Delaware Canal Protective Association, which worked to preserve the canal and block the plan to fill it in and make it a road.


James Magill interview 1.
James Magill interview 2.

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